The mission of the Boothbay Region Student Aid Fund (BRSAF) is to provide grants – not loans – for up to six years of post-secondary education or training to accredited institutions on behalf of BRHS graduates and alumni in order to reduce their unmet needs. Alumni who return to higher education, even later in life, are eligible.
The Boothbay Region Student Aid Fund (BRSAF) was established as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization in 1964 to provide financial assistance to graduates and alumni of the Boothbay Region High School.
Colleges, and other post-secondary institutions, use a standardized government formula (FAFSA) to determine the amount a student, and their family, should reasonably be able to pay when awarding grants and federal student aid. Often, the difference between the cost of attendance and the expected family contribution leaves a remaining, unmet financial need.
Our goal, through the Boothbay Region Student Aid Fund (BRSAF), is to provide grants – not loans– to accredited institutions on behalf of BRHS graduates and alumni to help meet these needs for as long as recipients are in good standing and between their first and sixth year of study, graduate school or professional training. BHRS graduates who return to higher education, even later in life, are eligible. Financial assistance is available to qualifying BRHS graduates and alumni for up to six academic years, including three at the graduate level.
Managed by a volunteer Board of Directors from the Boothbay region, the BRSAF works closely with the Boothbay Region High School. Funds are awarded to reduce the unmet financial needs of BRHS graduates and alumni attending any post-secondary institution approved by the BRSAF Board of Directors.
Even with the tremendous yearly support of our community, there is still enormous unmet need. The income from our fund drives, added to the annual earnings generated by our professionally managed investment account, currently provides awards for a significant percentage of our applicants unmet needs. For this reason, our long range goal is to double both the endowment and the income from our annual fund drive.
To provide need-based financial assistance to Boothbay Region High School graduates and alumni seeking education beyond the secondary level.
To offer support and ensure all of our graduates and alumni have the opportunity to further their education regardless of financial resources.
We rely on the continued generosity and committed support from community organizations, businesses and individuals.